Scottsdale Remail has been servicing accounts of long-time clients for quite some time! We were at the max limit of accounts for the past few years, and could not take on any new clients.
There WILL BE A NEW mailing address
WE WILL PUT UP A LINK You can decide where you would like your letters postmarked from. Phoenix or Scottsdale postmarks are available as they were before. More info will be added to this site, and to our sister-site
Subscribe to receive periodic updates. NO SPAM.
BRINGING BACK - Novelty Postmarks, Old Fashioned Vintage / Steampunk Letters,
Calligraphy and more. Snail Mail is NOT dead!
You can also email copy for us to cut-paste into a letter which will then be mailed on your behalf.
Subscribe for updates on when these different services become available again or
contact us with any questions you may have about our services.